Business Time at the Harbour!

It’s terrible out here ?

Embracing more and more chaos everyday… as I’m pretty chaotic and everything moving in the world is super chaotically creative, in whatever way.

Gotta roll with it in stead of stop and fight it.

It’s an ongoing adventure and a continuous stretch in my world, allowing me and nearly forcing me to look at what I’ve decided that running business has to be and look like… and again, letting that GO and choosing the possibility of it in stead to the judgment.

Yesterday I apparently send out the wrong link for one of my online classes and heard about it half way into the webinar.


Yes, I make mistakes. I could blame it on a lot of things and I simply chose not to judge myself for doing so and asked a question:

“how does it get better than this?”

Choosing not to judge and choosing beyond the judgment is a BIG choice, WAY bigger than people realize and than I used to realize. It’s actually a creative choice as it changes reality and It makes room for a different choice…

One of my favorite questions is

“If I would not be judging what is right or wrong, what would I choose right now? What action can I take?”

and it’s not even a really cognitive question anymore: it’s something I am choosing to BE more and more.

Choice from NO judgment

There is such a freedom in not having to judge in order to choose for what works for me or what I would like to create…

And I’m so grateful for knowing I have that choice and that everyone has it.

Keep choosing my friends

What is possible beyond judgment?
