Enchanted faces at our Classes. I’m still amazed by what a simple hands on energetic body process can create. Not a lot of words or questions… yet full on amazement and presence: with their hands, eyes, body and energy.
For most of them it’s a recognition.
Of consciousness. Of ‘magic’. Of something that was hidden for a long, long time. And something they all ARE and can start accessing to BE and become more of.
Consciousness is becoming mainstream. 5 Years ago people gave me funny looks when I talked about it. Now people ask about it, because, they know.
We all are conscious beings you know… whatever name you give it. We DO know and have powers we can access. They might not be what you think they are and they might show up in many unexpected ways. If we would just have more room for them to COME UP, OUT and FLOURISH. In ALL areas of living LIVE.
All we require is actually ACCESS that potential…
For a while, I refrained from using the word ‘MAGIC’ a little bit… After some great challenges with myself and this world, I had to rediscover what it IS for me… I had to get more clear on what to choose and be and what people to hang out with, and it’s an ongoing adventure.
“What is my potency? What am I great at? What do I contribute to people and their lives and bodies? What am I not acknowledging that I’m great at that is so easy for me that I don’t even value?”
And it’s showing up… Consciousness has our back, if we have our own back. If we know what we would like to choose and go for.
Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. The energetic, spiritual and all the matters of the earth.
If our choices and possibilities are Infinite… What can we choose to be the Magic we know we can be?
The post U R Magic appeared first on Merlijn Wolsink.