
What a great class. Sweet, caring, super curious, aware and potent…. So immensely grateful for the participants. I’m always a little beyond words… Thank you for being you and the amazing gift you are.

Again I realize what a gift it is to release judgment. What is hiding in the shadows naturally comes out from underneath when the clouds clear…

I love this work. I love being able to ask the weirdest questions, clear the strangest things and witness the greatest quantum leaps in 4 days, time and time again into an adventure that is yet to be created…

I keep on wondering, “What is ‘heaven’ on earth? That space without judgment, Is that possible…?” I know that when staying out of judgment, moving into choice and more receiving of everything in life, we’ll come so much closer to having and creating it… here, now…

Beautiful friends… great day and go Create!

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